Category: How To’s

  • Sprouting Grains for health

    Sprouting Grains for health

    Sprouting Seeds for Health: A Guide to Sprouting Seeds at Home Sprouting seeds at home is an easy and affordable way to incorporate these nutrient-packed grains into your diet. This means you can have an all year round supply of fresh “greens” even without a garden. You will also increase the nutritional value of seeds…

  • Bitters


    What are “Bitters”? Bitters are a class of plants and herbs that taste bitter.  We have bitter receptors through our digestive tract – the mouth, pancreas, liver, ear, nose, throat, brain and genitals all have bitter receptors. Most poisons are actually bitter, so we need to be very alert to the bitter flavor / compound. …

  • Sourdough Tin Loaf

    Sourdough Tin Loaf

    Flour A few words about flour. When making any bread, you would normally opt for a strong flour, that is to say that the flour has a high protein content (12-13%) and therefore good gluten. Some flour varieties are naturally high in protein an some aren’t. This makes following a recipe quite difficult. A high…