Category: Diseases
What is Vitamin D: Beyond Rickets Prevention
Vitamin D Firstly, Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin but a hormone! However for simplicity we will refer to it as Vitamin D throughout this post. Why Do We Need It? Imagine your body is a well-oiled machine, constantly working behind the scenes to keep you healthy and strong. One of the essential ingredients…
Chronic Inflammation & Cancer
Dr Angus Dalgleish explains what causes chronic inflammation, the impact it has on our immune system and the subsequent reasons for cancer development. All rights reserved to Dr. John Campbell. The audio was taken from Dr John Campbell’s Youtube Channel. Audio Summary Full Transcript Dr Campbell: You are most welcome to this talk and particularly…
What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Leaky Gut Syndrome is the general term used where toxins leak from the intestines into the bloodstream. Further research is showing that it could be the hidden cause of modern diseases, such as: Leaky Gut Symptoms These can vary from person to person but the following symptoms may indicate a…
Acid Reflux
What is Acid Reflux? Acid Reflux is when acid and/or contents of the stomach are moved upwards through the sphincter (the valve that separates the esophagus and the stomach) into the esophagus causing various symptoms. Also known as GERDS, Heartburn, call it what you like if you have experienced it, you will know that familiar…
What is constipation? Constipation can be defined as not passing a stool within 24 hours to a few days. Some say that not passing a proper stool (passing “rabbit droppings”) is classed as constipation. However, if it affects you, it isn’t pleasant and can make you feel irritated and bloated and can be the primary…